Three Myths You Shouldn’t Believe About Asphalt Roofing
Asphalt Roof Myths Busted: Three Myths You Shouldn’t Believe About Asphalt Roofing
When it comes to roofing companies in Calgary. The materials you usually have to choose between cost and function like the roofing project process . Very few materials both of these qualities in one package. And that’s partly why Asphalt shingles have taken off as the hot new material for your roofing needs.
You see, asphalt provides durability and cost-effectiveness all in one go. That means it’s becoming easier and easier to consider it for many homeowners. But unfortunately, there are a couple of rumors floating around about asphalt that might not be so accurate. That’s why we’ll be busting three of the most common myths regarding asphalt to put your mind at ease.
Myth One: Darker Colored Shingles Heat Up Your House
When you’re deep into the summer months, your number one priority is to keep yourself cool. Whether it’s cracking open a window or taking a cold shower, you have to keep cool at costs. Anything that adds heat will have to be fought back using your central air conditioning. And that means more energy costs.
That’s where the myth comes in. Many people believe that having dark-colored shingles like the ones you get with asphalt will only heat the house up more. More heat means more need for cooling. And of course, that means more energy costs down the line.
Part of that is true. Dark colors like asphalt will heat up more. But here’s the thing, heat always rises. It always flows from bottom to top. What that means is, the heat will only stay trapped in your attic. As soon it has an opening, it will escape and won’t accumulate in your home.
As long as you have good ventilation in your attic, there’s no chance for the heat to travel to the rest of your house. The only situation in which that happens is when ventilation is poor, and the heat doesn’t have anywhere to go.
So, while it’s true that dark colors do heat up, it doesn’t have much do with your energy costs. Ventilation, on the other hand, does. So if you’re concerned about your energy costs this summer, consider contacting a roofing pro to look at your ventilation.
Myth Two: Every Asphalt Shingle Looks Exactly the Same
If you’re a homeowner that’s looking to spruce things up, you probably want some say in the matter. Whether it’s the color of your walls, the kind of grass on your lawn, or the kind of roof shingles, it’s all about choice.
That’s what some people begin to fear about asphalt shingles. The commonly circulating myth is that they all look the same. That means you would have no choice in what your roof looks like if you choose asphalt. It would just be the same generic roof that anyone else has.
And that would all be bad if it were true. But in reality, it’s nothing more than a baseless myth. Asphalt looks like any other roofing material you can buy in the market. That means you have a wide variety of choices to pick from.
You can find everything from different colored asphalt shingles to different qualities of shingles. And all these are available at different price points. For designs, you can choose between architectural asphalt, three-tab asphalt, and luxury asphalt.
There’s a lot to look into when buying asphalt, and your choice will reflect your needs. So be sure to take that into consideration the next time you’re out shopping for roofing materials.
Myth Three: They’re Built Out of Nothing But Asphalt
Most people hear the word asphalt and immediately think about roads and highways. And while that is mainly what asphalt shingles are made of, that’s not the end of it. There’s much more to asphalt shingles than just asphalt.
The amount of asphalt your asphalt shingles have will completely depend on the type. Different types of shingles will have a different amount of asphalt. Something like an organic asphalt shingle will differ from a fiberglass asphalt shingle.
There’s usually a determined amount of asphalt that can be put into a shingle. This can be as low as 20 percent in some cases. So yes, it’s not all about asphalt.
This all why it’s important to understand the differences and nuances that come between asphalt shingles. If you’re planning on getting asphalt shingles for you home, then you will have to decide critically about what kind of asphalt shingle is right for you. Or just get a pro to help you out with the process.
A roof is a permanent piece for your home and an investment. That’s why you should always be careful about what you choose. Contact a roofing pro today to ease your decision making.